Saturday, September 8, 2012

Different Kinds of Sports

There are many kinds of sports and we can divide them into two groups – team sports and individual sports. In the group of the team sports we can find Football, Basketball, Baseball etc. In the other group, the individual sports, we can find sports such as running, swimming, Tennis etc. Some people prefer individual sports while others like to play in a team, but which kind of sports is preferable?

On the one hand, playing in a team is a pleasure for all the members and it teaches them a lot. Someone who plays in a team learns to cooperate with others, he learns about the importance of teamwork and this will help him later in his life – in his work, with his family and in many other fields. In addition, when someone plays in a team, he learns to appreciate the others and learns to be modest. He learns that he is not the only one in the team and that he is equal to the other players in the team. The team player learns that he is not the only one who is playing and learns to compliment another player if he played well.

On the other hand, the individual player also gains some important skills. For example, he learns to maximize his abilities. He learns what is good for him and gets to concentrate only in the game and not in what the others do. This kind of sports is suitable for people who don't like to work in a team and for people that can take on themselves the responsibility for the whole game. They are people who are not able to take care of others while they are working or playing.

To conclude, I prefer the team sports. In those kinds of games and sports you gain some important skills which will help you not only in sports, but also in life. You learn to cooperate with others and learn how to work in a team. All that will help you at work, for example. Also, you learn to appreciate people for what they do and it is very important in life.

Ecellent work!

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